Мелани Брану лишится контракта из-за откровенного признания?

In every situation there are pros and cons. So Mel b in late summer, made a Frank admission about their dependence, may lose a major contract. Many fans found the act of courage and not inherent in all frankness, and that Jenny Craig did not consider. Every entrepreneur thinks more about the welfare and reputation of the company.

Мелани Брану лишится контракта из-за откровенного признания?

Mel b for seven years is an Ambassador for company Jenny Craig specializes in weight loss. For all time of cooperation with the brand singer 225 thousand dollars and lost 16 kg. However, official comment and no evidence. The news is based only on observations of the public. Rollers with Chalk simply ceased to appear on the network, and alerted people. Perhaps Melanie herself ceased to cooperate with the company in fact decided to take seriously their recovery.

It’s not the only thing that has turned against Mel after her confessions. Former singer’s husband, producer Stephen Belafonte has filed for sole custody of their daughter, 7-year-old Maddison. By the way, he was supported by former Governor Russell Updegraff. Under the judicial oath he confirmed that Mel is dangerous for children. In the state of intoxication she raised a hand.

We will remind, the former soloist Spice Girls announced that specifically took up the health and in September plans to undergo treatment for alcoholism and sex addiction. In the story for the newspaper the Sun, Melanie said that the last six months have been particularly difficult. Divorce it was pretty exhausting, and taking a Brutally Honest autobiography has caused her a lot of unpleasant memories. “It was a painful experience, I again and again experienced all those problems faced — from his father’s death to my relations with men. I confess I drank to numb the pain. But this is only the way by which many people try to hide from what’s happening around. Yes, sometimes I find it difficult to cope with all the emotions that I felt. But with booze and sex became unimportant,” — said the singer of The Sun.

Melanie recently managed to survive post-traumatic stress disorder. All thanks to a therapy called EMDR, which is the principle experience unpleasant and painful moments during which patients learn to cope with them. In the next few weeks, the singer plans to carry out the treatment at a clinic in the UK. “I found myself in a crisis situation. But I’m working on becoming the best version of myself for my children, for my family and for all the people who supported me,” says brown.