Мел Гибсон женится на 25-летней беременной подруге

Hollywood actor bust out my beloved.

In the theatre of Samuel Goldwyn in Beverly hills hosted a screening of the film “For reasons of conscience”, Director Mel Gibson. To present the picture he came along with his new girlfriend, 25-year-old Rosalind Ross, athlete, and budding writer. Both made an impression on the red carpet: Mel – beard, Rosalind distinctly rounded forms…

With Rosalind Mel met a year ago while working on the series “Matador”. As scout reporters, 60-year-old Gibson literally lost his head. A source close to the pair told Australian publication New Idea that the artist fell in love with as a kid. Rumor has it that he is already an offer of marriage made…

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For Rosalind the future baby will be born first. But Mel already has 8 children: 6 sons and a daughter who were born married to nurse Robyn Moore, and a daughter from the translator Oksana Grigorieva.

The Chalk own fertility is hardly surprising. His parents had 11 children! So he and his young friend have something to strive for…

The word “conscientious” is the first directorial work of Gibson over the last 10 years. The film is based on real events and tells the story of a crewman who served during the battle for Okinawa. The film will be released in November.