Меган Маркл рассказала о cвоем первом поцелуе
It became known who was the first boyfriend of the bride of Prince Harry.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry


In an interview on TV show Larry king live
Meghan Markle said, when and with whom she first kissed. Megan admitted that she was then
only 13 years old.

The bride of Prince Harry, which
very soon become his lawful wife, said that the story happened when
mom sent her to summer camp near Los Angeles. There was
the theatre, which went to Megan. And it was there
when she was rehearsing a Comedy play, she met her first
boyfriend. “His name was Joshua Silverstein. I was only 13 when I
kissed. What became of him when he grew up, don’t know, I lost him,” recalls Megan.

The story told Markle, inspired
reporters on a little investigation. And then it turned out that the first boyfriend
Megan did not become, when he grew up, for example, in some unknown clerk. He also became a kind of
celebrity. Just at first nobody thought that it was about popular in US rapper Joshua Silverstein, and not of his namesake.

When Joshua asked the reporters
he refused to share his memories of Megan. “We really were then
Roman. I was either 13 or 14 — I don’t remember exactly. When we
kissed, I knew immediately that it was her first kiss. Because I have to
this was already a girl, so I knew
what to do… that summer we spent a lot of time together, walking, holding
hands, and all the time kissing. I even managed to make friends with her mom Dooriya. Megan was a smart, sweet, kind girl. And
and quite sensible. And I am very glad that it all turned out.
When I found out that she was engaged with Prince Harry, I was just happy for her!” —
said Silvestein.