Май Абрикосов поражается тому, как ведет себя священник из "Дома-2"
Recently, the media started to publish scandalous stories from the life of Walter Solomentsev.

Май Абрикосов поражается тому, как ведет себя священник из "Дома-2"

Man, being a priest, shares intimate details of relationships with women. This behavior shocked the ex-participant of TV project May Abrikosov.

“The proposed scenario, Bob abandoned his wife and children, payment of alimony, the adultery, the mythical cancer not increased his rating, and destroyed. He named his son Noah. If you remember, the old Testament, Noah has led humanity to a new life, taking his actions reconciliation with God. Basil also moves in the opposite direction – through the flood in the cold waters of sin to the very bottom,” – said May.

According to Abrikosov, a priest in principle does not have to come on such a show, and only just come, behave quite differently.

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