Максим Виторган подрался с Константином Богомоловым из-за Ксении Собчак
The media spread the news about the fight between the actor Maxim Vitorgan and directed by Konstantin Bogomolov.

Максим Виторган подрался с Константином Богомоловым из-за Ксении Собчак

We will remind that quite recently, the Internet blasted the news about the affair TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak and Konstantin Bogomolov – they are repeatedly seen together. Later, fans noticed that Sobchak and her husband Maxim Vitorgan stopped wearing a wedding ring.

Максим Виторган подрался с Константином Богомоловым из-за Ксении Собчак

Максим Виторган подрался с Константином Богомоловым из-за Ксении Собчак

Now, just a few hours ago, between Vitorgan and Bogomolov there was a fight in the center of Moscow. About the fight, first reported Starhit. It is alleged that on Monday evening the actor went into a cafe, where he spent time praying mantis. Men went outside, and soon Bogomolov returned to the school with a bloody face – eyewitnesses reported he had a bloody nose. Ksenia Sobchak has not commented on the incident, however, many netizens and the media are sure that the fight happened because of it.

Максим Виторган подрался с Константином Богомоловым из-за Ксении Собчак

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