Максим Траньков не находит себе места, переживая за жену с дочкой
In the beginning of this year in the family of famous figure skaters, Maxim Trankov and Tatiana Volosozhar, happy event happened, they became the parents of a charming daughter Angelica.

Максим Траньков не находит себе места, переживая за жену с дочкой

Tatiana admits that watching the daughter helps her mother, as due to my busy work schedule she can’t be around the baby constantly. And Maxim finds a place, when Tatiana and Angelica go for a walk and did not return.

Максим Траньков не находит себе места, переживая за жену с дочкой

“Maxim also helps. He’s great with the baby: can and night to get to her and change a diaper. But I don’t want too much to weigh him down with worries about her daughter. You know, for example, that cling to Likeso him harder than me, and not asking. And everything else he’s doing fine and smoothly agrees. And he has one duty to worry for us with Lika,” shared Tatiana.

“I am for Tanya always worried. Although well aware that it is very tough physically, but mentally probably even stronger than me. But this does not prevent me worry. It’s so small and fragile! And now to the excitement for the wife added to the excitement for her daughter. Worth it for the fifteen minutes linger, I start to twitch. And on the phone. Tanya is not always suitable – feed or places, and I have a panic attack: “I guess something happened, why is she not picking up?” – says Maxim.

According to the couple, the daughter is already trying to take the first steps. The couple want to put the daughter on ice, and already got her first skates.

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