Максим Матвеев рассказал всю правду о своем феноменальном похудении
He explained how and why they achieved such amazing results.

Maxim Matveev

Photo: @maxim_matveev_ Instagram Maksim Matveev

The appearance of Maxim Matveeva many fans of the actor causes serious worry for his health. But, in the words of the artist, there is no need for concern. Initially, Maxim, by his own admission, went on a diet “for myself”, and then later learned that losing weight will help him for the new role. “It all came together. Started for myself, but it turned out for roles in theater under the direction of Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov — in the play “the Actor” directed by Evgeny Pisarev. First, the Director has set the goal to lose weight. Second, the ephemeral character of such people that wanted to add him to zero gravity”, — said Maxim.

Yesterday in the Studio show “Evening Urgant” Matveev told about how was the process of transformation. The actor at first refused the consumption of meat. He stressed that he was not a vegetarian in his diet is fish. Anna chipovskaya was also present in the Studio, wryly remarked that Maxim now appears on rehearsals with the “boxes” in which brings my dinner, “salad leaves and nuts.” While other artists devours burgers, Matveev promotes the principles of healthy eating.

In addition to diet, Matveev changed their views on sports. Instead of the usual gym actor can now be seen only in the centers of yoga. Recently, Maxim has set aside time in busy schedule to participate in the international yoga festival. “It was superadded, knowledge, energy, concentration and joy of communication”, — said Matveev at the end of the event.