Максим Леонидов рассказал, как пережил смерть отца во время развода The musician was a guest of the program “the Destiny of man” with the YouTube Korchevnikov on the TV channel “Russia-1”. Leonidov told why a second marriage with the actress Bandicoot quickly disintegrated.
Максим Леонидов рассказал, как пережил смерть отца во время развода

In personal life, the 56-year-old musician hasn’t always been lucky – he has two failed marriage with actress Irina Selezneva and Anna Banshikova. Now the actor is married to actress Alexandra Kamchatova, which gave the musician two adorable children: a daughter Mary and a son, Leonid.

First wedding party of bit-Quartet “the Secret” played 20 years ago. As recognized Leonids, fiancee jealous of his success in the profession, because as a student max has become incredibly popular. The singer did not hide that has changed Selezneva on the road, however, he believes the wife was not faithful to him. Together they moved to Israel, where Irina’s career took off, and Maxim was homesick for Russia.

After returning home, the musician met second wife, famous actress Anne of Bandicoot. Strong attraction blossomed into a whirlwind romance that had to hide from my wife. But a random call Irene discovered the truth after 18 years of marriage, Leonidov and Seleznev broke up.

“This episode really was. I had quinsy, Anja looked after me. Called Irina from Israel, Anya picked up the phone. But I like an honest man Irina from left, Ani got married. Five years we were together, and then began to each other to re-educate, and we have also not developed, it is necessary to say,” – said the musician.
Максим Леонидов рассказал, как пережил смерть отца во время развода

In an interview, Banshchikova recalled: Leonids demanded that she left her career as an actress and devoted herself to home. Anna this situation is not satisfied., therefore, the artist decided to part with the musician.

On the fateful match in the difficult period of separation from second wife died the father of the singer, well-known Soviet actor Leonid Efimovich. The man suddenly died of a heart attack.

“Yes, father just at this time died. It was unexpected, heart. I had to fly to Moscow from tel Aviv. The doctor said, “Yes go” I went to Russia, two days later my father suffered a massive heart attack,” recalled the musician.
Максим Леонидов рассказал, как пережил смерть отца во время развода

Leonids admitted that he took seriously the divorce and the death of a parent. At this time he wrote the famous hit “the Girl-vision”. However, according to the musician, the song is not dedicated to Bandicoot.

“I guess it’s not by accident. The song was written in France. She originally was supposed to be fun. But apparently, I was pretty sad, and get it lyric,” – said the musician.

Leonids admitted that long was lonely. Soon, the singer met third wife of Alexander, a few years, the lovers lived in a civilian barge. Only after the birth of their first child, daughter Mary Maxim finally decided to legalize the relationship with the beloved. Four years later the couple had a second heir, a son, Leonid.