Максим Киселев готовится к пышному торжеству в честь свадьбы
Star University and a member of the show “Once in Russia” Maxim Kiselyov has long been in a relationship with Maria Tsygankova.

Максим Киселев готовится к пышному торжеству в честь свадьбы

Maxim in an interview talks openly about his future plans, answers questions about the second half.

In a recent conversation with journalists, the showman shared his happiness, saying that soon he and Maria will legalize their relationship.

“This summer, June 10, will be the greatest day of my life. After four years of Dating my girlfriend Mary decided to get married. She’s wonderful, beautiful and intelligent man, ten years younger than me. Working in the fashion industry. Wedding is a big, big many artists, my friends will be. And then I planned a very unusual and romantic journey, but it is not going to tell the details”, – said Kiselev.

Wish the couple happiness and understanding.

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