Мэттью Макконахи рассказал, как избавился от лысины
The actor has denied the rumors about the operation of hair transplantation.

Matthew McConaughey

Photo: Outnow

Actor Matthew McConaughey, a lover of extreme to lose weight and get fat for the role, literally tortured
with questions about his supposedly very successful hair transplant. The fact that
a few years ago, the actor began to rapidly lose his hair, which is not
took refuge from muckraking reporters. And some time later he started again
flaunting curls, not less dense, than before. Now Matthew has decided, finally,
to place all points over “I” in this story. Interview on the subject he gave to the website contactmusic.com.

“At some point I noticed that hair
I began to fall intact strands. I got scared and began to look for a way
to stop baldness. And now, having tried many tools, I came across
the drug, which was called seem to Regenix. And, lo and behold, first I stopped losing hair, and then
they started to grow again. They were unmistakable – since the beginning of the treatment
me on top already had a bald spot bigger than a silver dollar, and
after the bald spot was gone! “—
said Matthew, the husband of the beautiful Camilla Alves and the father of three children.

And all
it would be nice if McConaughey didn’t recognize that one Swedish expert
uses his name as an example conducted a very successful operation. And
showing off her “achievement” at international conferences. 47-year-old actor was
outraged: not only that he did not like this fraudulent trick
itself. As a result, all began to think that Matthew is actually “hoisted”
his hair.

to refute this rumor, the actor had to turn to the most famous in the
California expert on hair, he inspected his “scalp.” And
now, having found no traces of the operation on the head of McConaughey, he promised everywhere
where he is, to tell the truth and
to expose the fraud. Matthew hopes that now he will stop
finally, ask questions about the operation.