Мэри Кейт Олсен шокировала своей худобой

American actress Mary Kate Olsen, one of the Olsen twins was spotted on a French beach earlier this week. Photos in a bikini already spread many editions, but instead of admiration began to talk about the health problems and eating disorders actress.

Мэри Кейт Олсен шокировала своей худобой
The actress had previously suspected anorexia. Over the past few months-spouse of Olivier Sarkozy, who’s never been overweight. lost a lot of weight, and fans speculated whether all is fine with her health.
Recall that in 2004, eighteen-year-old actress landed in rehab due to problems of eating behavior at least, so said her representative, but in 2008 the actress has denied this information.
“Everyone goes through difficult periods in life, such is its essence. Sometimes you have to have the courage to ask for help, and most importantly – to be honest with myself,” said Mary Kate.

Compared with her husband’s so thin actress looks like a teenager – awkward and even a little bony figure, and some baby face husband makes this pair, at least, strange.