Брак на 4 дня: бывшая жена Николаса Кейджа впервые поведала о разводе
Actor Nicolas cage and makeup artist Eric Bunk broke up after only 4 days after the wedding.

Брак на 4 дня: бывшая жена Николаса Кейджа впервые поведала о разводе

55-year-old Nicolas cage is very upset by the breakup with his previous wife, Korean Alice Kim. When they met, the woman worked as a waitress. The couple has joint son, born in 2005.

Брак на 4 дня: бывшая жена Николаса Кейджа впервые поведала о разводе

There was a gap in 2016, and his life began a black stripe. It was seen in different bars in strong alcoholic intoxication. During the wedding, with the last wife, 23-year-old Erica Bed cage was also very drunk.
In the end, their marriage lasted only four days, after which Nicholas actually accused Eric of treason and filed for divorce. The bed, in turn, argues that she was not and currently has no other relations. She also admitted that cage was trying to get back to her, but she refused him. The divorce process runs from March of this year, and seems to be far from complete, because Eric requires a solid compensation.

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