Марина Анисина сбежала с детьми во Францию

Famous Russian actor and showman Nikita Dzhigurda had to send wife Marina Anisina with children in France. Here, in Russia, according to the artist, very unsafe, and even there, in the West, the skater was forced to contact the police and ask for extra protection.

The reason for this was the threat that the start to the family after he inherited the vast fortune of her godmother Ludmila Bratash. Businesswoman and close friend of the famous family died under mysterious circumstances and your finances and property worth $ 800 million rewrote equally to Nikita and Marina.
Now the chair has been engaged in legal proceedings with the sister of the deceased, Svetlana, who claims that Nikita cunning and forced her to sign everything over to him and his wife. In response to these accusations Nikita has published the Testament of godmother and published written her a note that her sister and former driver can intrigue and deception and threats will try to pick up all the money and property.