Марина Александрова показала подросших детей
The actress calls the kids his happiness.

Марина Александрова показала подросших детей

Children of Marina Alexandrova, Andrei and Katya

Photo: Instagram Marina Alexandrova

Marina Aleksandrova, who rarely indulges fans with photos
their children, made an exception and shared the photo, which shows her
son 4-year-old Andrew and eight month old daughter, Kate. By the way, adorable
the girl actress did not show and never did.
Marina, who doted in his little ones, signed the
concisely, in a manner peculiar to her: “Happiness!”
In a recent interview 7days.ru Alexandrov said that with the advent of her children
life sparkle with new colors.

“My husband and I specifically come up with traditions for
children, — says the actress. — For example, that in the summer on the day of birth of Andrew us
always have to travel to a new country. Soon the son will go to
school, and his birthday in the summer so all his school friends will be
to disperse for the holidays. And the best option, so he, too, went away from
home. But my daughter’s birthday — September 26 — the middle school years. We
decided that and then we will arrange a big children’s party and celebrate both
children’s birthday together. Andrew, the elder (Husband of Marina Director Andrew
Of alternative dispute resolution. – Approx. ed.) for each such holiday makes a special film about
most important to Andrew and Catherine’s events over the past year. We do not knowingly
want to share anything between them, saying, this is for you, and this is for you. They have a very close and
close relationship, and God forbid that the children held out a thread of usefulness of each
friend and love for life. This will be my biggest victory!”

Marina admits that the son of her
surprising. The boy invented his own country called “Chuck-Chuck”,
built designer an entire city and populated it with fictional characters.
The actress writes for her son some stories from the life of its inhabitants
of the country.

Full interview of Marina Alexandrova, click here.

Marina Aleksandrova

Photo: “7 Days”