Марина Александрова спасла семью от голода The teacher actress said about how she helped her parents. In school years, the future star was invited to speak at local events, and because of this her family was able to live in the period when the delayed wages. Close to Marina Alexandrova called her nurse.

      Марина Александрова спасла семью от голода

      Actress, born in the family of a Soviet officer, in childhood, moved around a lot before settling down in St. Petersburg, Pupananny (real name Alexandrova. – Approx. “StarHit”) managed to live and in the Hungarian town of Kiskunmajsa, and in Tula… In the first class of school №308 with a mathematical bent 7-year-old Marina went to Leningrad.

      On the eve 34th birthday, which the star notes today, August 29, her classmates told that she has challenged her rival, who was in love with the school years and how it became the main breadwinner of the family.

      Little angel

      “Marina went to school together from 5th to 9th classes – says “StarHit” her classmate Igor Barczewski. She was beautiful, from a young age, followed each other – I wore a braid or two, tied with lush ribbons, matching to the dress. Managed to even in mathematics, which girls from our class didn’t really go. But, despite the fact that he was a good student, occasionally skipping school. At school, Alexandrova had a different last name – Papenina. Marina gave funny names – called the Navel, Pupina”.

      It was then, during her studies, she started thinking about the change of name. Her desire got stronger later in Moscow. “As she read poems for literature – lived every line, remembers another classmate actress, Andrew Bodrov. – Akhmatova she especially worked”. In middle school, Marina confessed to her friends that dreams of becoming an actress. She joined the Studio initiative, which was led by the Deputy Director on educational work of Vera Zherebtsov.

      “I started to draw her in performances from the 5th grade, says “StarHit” Vera. – Once we were preparing a concert dedicated to the anniversary of the liberation of Leningrad from the blockade, and according to my idea the Marina in a white dress with a bouquet of white flowers fluttered on stage at the very end, the curtain and read the line “Thundering salute over Leningrad!”… On this day, the hall was attended by distinguished guests – myself and Oleg Basilashvili, Directors the concert hall “October”, officials from the government. And many of them, our Marisha just conquered! It was invited to perform at festivals”.
      Марина Александрова спасла семью от голода

      At that time parents of young stars are left with no money, barely making ends meet: the state has detained the salary to servicemen for six months or more.

      “Her mom and dad lived in neighbouring houses, were friends – continues to Zherebtsov. – They then had a tiny one bedroom apartment. Often turned off the water, the light… And somehow after a few months after the debut of the daughter Irina came to me and said, “If it weren’t for you, we would have had to live, would die of hunger! Marinka – our nurse!” The girl participated in city events, each was taking a taxi.

      “Mother and I accompanied my daughter everywhere received her fee of about 500 rubles, – says Vera. “The family was able to afford bread, milk, sugar, tea… Lived!”

      Марина Александрова спасла семью от голода

      Shortly before the release of Alexandrova had to deal with hurtful injustice. “I wanted to guide the school prom,” says Zherebtsov. But the head of their class, the mathematics teacher Nina E., has prepared this honorary role for his daughter. Marinka was terribly upset! And came to the gala evening in… dark blue chiffon pantsuit! While all the other girls were wearing beautiful bright dresses. It was a challenge!”

      Star was not on any of the reunion, although supporting communication with a couple of school friends. “I’ve seen a few movies with her participation – continues Barczewski. The first time I came across a movie about wacky racers, where she played the girlfriend of one of them, and then the film with Zbrueva. Then I admired her, definitely!”


      Марина Александрова спасла семью от голода

      In high school Aleksandrova saw on television an advertisement in a theatrical Studio “Imagine”. “I learned about it on the last day of auditions, recalls a classmate of Marina Julia. – Worried that it will not take. But we have supported, and she went. Overcame all three rounds!”

      In the Studio, the future actress studied for three years. “The first lesson was so worried that they could not read the text of the role – said the head of “Imagine” Maxim Demchenko. – And we all knew that Marina plays the harp, but never saw-the tool is heavy, will not by itself bring. And once on my birthday she made all the gift – played on an imaginary harp under its own soundtrack, which was recorded on a tape the tape.”

      For the beautiful and talented always went the crowd of guys. Marina knew that attractive, was always confident. “Somehow, she participated in a beauty contest “And well-ka, girls!” continues Zherebtsov. Before told me that it necessarily will win. And became the winner.

      After that Marina did not rebound from the fans. But love happened with a classmate.

      “We have long been in the same company: a couple of guys and girls – says Barczewski. – And a friend of mine, Sergey Smirnov began to take care of it – invited to the meeting, walks, they started Dating. But then, after graduation, she rushed to the capital and relations were broken off”.

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