Марина Александрова готовится к переезду
The actress is engaged in the extension housing.

Марина Александрова готовится к переезду

Photo: Philip Goncharov

Marina with his son Andrew

Photo: Press office Bosco di Ciliegi

After the birth of her second child, daughter Catherine, Marina Aleksandrova decided to engage the extension housing. “Looking for a new apartment: our 200 square meters is not enough for a family — shared the actress. — I live with my husband, two children and a wonderful nanny, also need private space.” Moreover, as recognized Aleksandrova, they often live relatives from other cities. “Last time I visited my father, that’s when we finally realized that the seats in the house are few, — says the actress. — While winter, on the move, no question, but as soon as it gets warmer, make finding our dream apartment very close”.

Marina admits that he believes his large family most friendly in the world.

“My husband and I specifically come up with traditions for children. For example, that
in summer, on the day of birth of Andrew we need every time to go to
travel to a new country. Soon the son will go to school and the birthday
him in the summer so all his school friends will go on
holidays, — says the actress. — And best option — that he, too, went away from the house.
But my daughter’s birthday — September 26 — the middle school years. We
decided that and then we will arrange a big children’s party and
to celebrate both the children’s birthday together. Andrew is senior to each
this festival makes a special film about the most important for Andryusha and
Catherine events over the past year. We consciously don’t want to share
between them, saying, this is for you, and this is for you. They have a very tight and close
relationship, and God forbid that the children held out a thread of usefulness of each
friend and love for life. This will be my biggest victory!”