Марина Африкантова поставила точку в отношениях с бойфрендом
The fans of the home electroni the country were shocked to learn about the breakup of Marina Afrikantova and Roman Kapakli.

Марина Африкантова поставила точку в отношениях с бойфрендом

The novel recognizes that it is the decision of the Marina was a complete surprise. He suggests that this is due to the fact that he refused to become a dad in 2018.

Марина Африкантова поставила точку в отношениях с бойфрендом

“Marina in the Old New year with a candle in hand, admitted that he wants kids from me in 2018. Well, I replied that I’m not ready yet, as there is no Foundation, and to that question I don’t want to go irresponsible. I did not like that she said it not me alone, but with all the kids.

As it turned out, we broke up because she opened my heart like no other, saying that he wanted children with me, and I, it turns out, his aggression spit in her soul. Another reason I don’t feel like a man, do not support the” — shared in an interview with the novel.

Recall that a young man Marina started Dating after a painful breakup with Andrew Chuyev, who refused to leave the project.

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