Мэрилин Керро сорвала испытание на «Битве экстрасенсов» A psychic are unable to control themselves and not give technomage Ivan Vlasov to correctly answer the questions of the host program. As a result Marat Basharova need to give the young man a new job that would define his continued presence in the project.

      Мэрилин Керро сорвала испытание на «Битве экстрасенсов»

      Marilyn Kerro disrupted the trial, in which Marat Basharov has enabled Ivan Vlasov to prove himself, that he left the “Battle of psychics.” The jury unanimously decided to say goodbye to the man. Regarding the solution of lead reported at the end of the program. Pulling the photo Vlasov from the black envelope, he immediately offered technomage to try your luck. If he answered correctly, whose photo is hidden in a Golden envelope, you would be able to compete for the finals of the transmission. Basharov was asked to identify a living or non-living person depicted in the picture and what sex they are.

      Why Marilyn Kerro disliked the “Battle of psychics”

      Ivan Vlasov was very nervous, because the answer to the questions of Marat depended his fate in the show. When he picked up the envelope, then decided to put it on the floor because it was easier to concentrate on the picture. In that moment, when he thought about what to say, Estonian witch broke down and gave the correct answer. As a result, she was deprived of Ivan the possibility to handle the test. Basharov did not expect that his idea would take such an outcome, so he had to go to the crew, to invent something new for the clairvoyant.

      “The envelope was, I didn’t know that I could not say. I’m sorry,” the confused said Mary.
      Мэрилин Керро сорвала испытание на «Битве экстрасенсов»

      Marat Basharov and the crew were unable to find a print that they could put in an envelope. In the end, it was decided to use the photo on the phone. Marat Basharov returned to the participants and reiterated the Ivan Vlasov try your luck. He picked up the phone and within minutes wondered who izobrajeno in the picture. He correctly noted that the photograph depicted a man, but made a mistake by saying that he was dead. He had to leave “the Battle of psychics”, because the presenter gave technomage only one chance. I must say that in the first picture, I had to work a clairvoyant, was a picture of bill gates, and the second is the newly elected President of the United States Donald trump.

      For the remaining participants of “Battle of psychics” care Vlasov was not porajeniem. In recent releases it has shown results that are markedly inferior to those that showed his competitors. During the recording of the last issue he was not able to determine what is in the country-Museum of Vladimir Lenin. Instead, he found the presence of the boy, who was killed about ten years ago. Such responses have caused confusion and laughter among observers. The same Marilyn Kerro was able not only to determine the place in which it was brought, but felt energetike coming from the leader of the world proletariat.