Мария Шумакова объяснила, почему не торопится замуж
The actress weighed all the “pros” and “cons” of a happy marriage.

Maria Shumakova

Photo: Instagram

Mariya Shumakova is once again the center of attention
thanks microblog. On the personal page in the social network star “Sweet
life” raises such burning questions that Internet users are not
can not pay attention to the posts of the actress. This time the artist devoted a post
the topic of marriage. In it Maria explained in detail why not in a hurry to tie
the knot.

“Here I’m a nice young lady in the comments
I wrote, like, 30 years old, and my husband is not! writes Shumakova. — In the days of our
parents, if the girl was 27, for example, and narrowed and crying children not
expected, her grief and condemnation from the most high this world: neighbors, colleagues,and,
of course, mother! Women now actively engaged in business earn
millions, some even in aiming for the presidency… My friend from school is a wonderful example
modern girls: opened in Novosibirsk, the best beauty salon. My second school
a friend knocks through honest presidential grants for social needs,
directs the volunteer squad and changing the world for the better! Gone are the days when
the only task of women was to bake a pie and stroke my husband’s socks. Their
Pat? What are your priorities? What do you want a successful career or
a bunch of ex? And who manages to combine? You know, for example, Anna Tsukanova-Cott and
Anastasia Meskova all time! Kaaaaak?”

Comments under the post, as usual, was
very diverse. Some readily agreed with Maria, the second violently
contrary, others caustically noticed that Masha is better to wait to fifty
years, then the chances of a happy marriage will be much more.