Maria Shukshina spoke about Ivan Urgant Recently, special attention of fans has been riveted to the actions of Ivan Urgant.

Maria Shukshina spoke about Ivan Urgant that the TV presenter, like many other celebrities, fled the country during a difficult period, taking refuge in Israel. He himself assured that he went on vacation.

Maria Shukshina spoke about Ivan Urgant

The other day it became known that Ivan returned to the country, only now, in his entourage, they insistently assure that Urgant came in order to sell his property and finally move abroad with money. It immediately became known that the showman put up for sale a mansion in the Moscow region and apartments in the elite set “Moscow City”, with the proceeds from the sale of property, Ivan intends to purchase housing in Israel, whose citizenship he is rumored to have had since 2018.

Masha Shukshina spoke about the situation, not forgetting the words of Dmitry Peskov, who called Urgant a “great patriot” a few days ago.

Maria Shukshina spoke about Ivan Urgant

“Why the “evening patriot” Urgant, upon arrival from Israel, began to deal with his real estate, and not something that could benefit our country, I don't know. They, the “great patriots”, know better!” – Shukshina reacted emotionally.

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