Мария Порошина встретила Джулию Робертс с детьми на рынке
The actress shared details of a trip to India.

Maria Poroshina with her daughters Agrippina and Serafima

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Maria Poroshina, taking part in the culinary
show “Smak” First channel, said
the host of the show Ivan Urgant
interesting story. The actress shared
impressions after working on the film
in India.

removed Russian film. In
the team was not only I, but Yaroslav Boyko, our other famous actors.
We go through the market and meet by chance
the pregnant Amalia Goldansky”,
— said Maria. Despite the employment
their business, Amalia gladly accepted
participation in the occasional scene. And
the next day I met Julia there
Roberts. She had a backpack with one
the child in front and another behind. Next
Julia was a huge man, judging by
the entire guard, which was led by one
child. She was wearing a cap, very modest.
I just wanted to come to Julia and
to tell you how much I love her. I admire
it can play any type, any

Talked to Mary and John and the kids. At
words Poroshina, now it is most
worried about eldest daughter Polina. “”She
your opinion, but still an age when
need help, — said the actress. —
This deals with her father and step-father Ilya.
Younger girls for me.” By the way,
Polina this year he graduated from the theatre
Institute named after Boris Shchukin. Support
it this day came the closest —
the parents and the grandmother, the mother of Mary. “Prom
of his beloved daughter. Theatre Institute
named after Boris Shchukin. Good luck,
Mix!” — signed Maria
Poroshina the
in Instagram, which she sealed with
former spouse Gosha Kutsenko and daughter.
The actress has repeatedly stressed that, although
for divorce, she kept ex-husband
a wonderful a friendly relationship.