The star of the series “Our happy tomorrow” spoke about his favorite man.
Photo: Philip Goncharov
Maria Lugovoi admitted that for the first time experienced such a strong feeling.
“I can say one thing — I’ve never loved
so much, — says the actress. — He’s wonderful, and I consider our meeting a miracle, a gift
destiny — for both of us. Before meeting him I was very independent,
strong — life is made. And mother at the time, my sister taught
“Girls, anyone not count only on themselves…” And having met this
the person I allowed myself to be feminine, vulnerable, weak.”
However, the name of his chosen to call meadow in no hurry — at his own request.
“He is a modest man and doesn’t want me talked about him, — admitted the actress. Unlike a profession, in personal life, I am a conservative and a supporter of Patriarchy. In a family the man is the head of everything! But the feminine power to inspire his surrounding warmth and love. That’s what I understand, having met a loved one. And his profession does not matter to me the man who keeps his word.”
Star of TV series “Murka”, “Hunting the devil”, “Our happy tomorrow,” said that favorite, of course, watches movies with her participation — but only in her absence.
“The love scenes on the screen it is not jealous, smiles the actress. — Once I asked him: “Your attitude to me changed when you see me on the screen?” He laughs: “how silly you are! I love you, not your role. Your profession, your success look for you, but it’s not you”. Here such I have wise. In short, the best!”
Full interview with Maria Lugovaya read in the latest issue of the magazine.