Мария Максакова резко высказалась о детском «Голосе» Opera singer shared his views on modern television. During the conversation with journalists Maria Maksakova criticized the talent show. Such programs as “the Voice. Children”, believes the actress could have a negative impact on the careers of young performers.
Мария Максакова резко высказалась о детском «Голосе»

During a recent conversation with journalists, Opera singer Maria Maksakova shared his views on modern television and popular programs, in particular, the project “Voice. Children.” As suggested by a celebrity, such programs, in which young artists show their talents, may be detrimental to their future career. According to Maksakova, talent shows give the participants the illusion that it is possible to become a professional and to become famous.

“Look at children’s Voice: it’s all touches, but in fact takes a person out of the educational process, especially that children’s voices after puberty categorically change, especially in boys. Everything they sang to fifteen years, and no matter what the popularity is not received, it always ends up with personal drama. (…) In the “Voice” ‘t have to train as if it was a violin or piano. It all happens quickly,” – says the singer.
Мария Максакова резко высказалась о детском «Голосе»

Maksakova also believes that programs in which the stars try their hand at a new industry, “to create the appearance, if anyone can do the same”. Such programs, said the artist, “negate profession.”

Мария Максакова резко высказалась о детском «Голосе»“There is no reason to be overcome to bring themselves to a certain level, if there’s some idiot doing it, let them four times worse, but it gets the popularity, money, career and everything else. And you, a Pro, sit and watch it on the TV,” she said.

The singer also said that Russian television is too much like entertainment. Maria Maksakova has no interest in such projects.

At the same time, the actress spoke positively of a “Culture” where they show lectures, religious paintings and musical programs. However, the singer has doubts about the future of the channel, where not so long ago there were mass layoffs. “Everything goes to the fact that he will not be able to withstand your level”, – quotes Maksakova “Telekritika”.

Recall that a recent interview with journalists, the Director and chief editor of the channel of the holding VGTRK Sergei Shumakov tied mass reduction with “modernization.” According to him, was fired those employees who do not meet the requirements of modern television – because of their age or professional qualities.

We also add that Maria Maksakova – not only an Opera singer. More than seven years, the singer led the program “romance Romance” on the channel “Culture”.