The actress doesn’t know how to help 4-year-old Ivan.
Photo: Instagram
If you examine social networks local stars, it seems like their life is a dream. And don’t even touch the problems of everyday life! Bring food, the maid removes, nobody hurts and problems do not know at all. But the actress Maria Kozhevnikova always in his personal blog writes the truth. She admits that she is not perfect and that being a mother of three sons, is very difficult, and honestly share with fans information.
Recently the actress told the fans about an unusual problem. It turns out that her eldest son Ivan, who recently celebrated its 4th anniversary, there is a problem — the hesitation of speech. Maria took the child to several different doctors, but nothing has changed.
“All doctors opinions are different: someone says that the self-will, someone who doles out meds, someone explains that the child knows too much and the vocal apparatus manages the development… — said Maria. — Our Vanya is really very intelligent for his age boy, and he needs more and more. For example, now asks all the languages the cartoons about the numbers — so teaches French, German, and Spanish, and even Chinese! I don’t know how to be, especially when professionals offer completely different methods of treatment, and I have in this case, the question arises: is it at all?!”
In parallel with Hicks Ivan began frequent trouble sleeping. Most followers of Mary, among which, as it turned out, also a lot of speech therapists and neurologists came to the conclusion that the highly visible problems Ivan has no. And no medical therapy yet do not hold. The only thing to do is to restrict viewing of the cartoons, to protect from the slightest of stress and ask to speak slowly. Then, perhaps, he will learn quickly to find the words.