Мария Кожевникова сражается за жизнь тяжело больного ребенка
The actress shared her experiences.

Maria Kozhevnikova

Photo: @mkozhevnikova Instagram Maria Kozhevnikova

Maria Kozhevnikova is one of the few in show business who do not suffer from “star disease”. She easily communicates with his fans, and even, wherever possible, tries to support them. Recently it became known that the actress is involved in fundraising for a little boy in need of surgery.

“Someone will condemn me for this post, but I have a moral right to write it, how to help someone publicly, someone quiet.The last boy that nobody knows, almost died after a glaring medical error, of course, not to prove, but the parents are not trying, there’s no time, because all of it goes to fight for his life!

Two-year citizen of our country, which needs a long treatment and rehabilitation, do not take our Moscow hospitals, operas and coming up with excuses, it is impossible to help anything, that’s just stupid — no seats! Comrades, no place for a child who needs medical help! How is it?! The Park, which opened today, 14 billion there, and on the treatment for a child?!” — protested Mary.

Nonetheless, Kozhevnikova believes that there are many caring people willing to help a needy family. “It is clear why some officials, taking decisions on such spending not put it on the scales more global problems? Someone will say, you were there , why not fight?! — continued Kozhevnikova. — Fought and done all I could depend on, apparently, so I no longer there! I continue with the mandate or not, it really doesn’t matter to me, to do what you can. But today somehow broke after the failure of the Rusfond to help a boy who I’m trying to help! In General, I’m sorry to “pour out” their emotions on You, but somehow all the Holy falls into the abyss…”