Мария Гордиенко рассказала о запуске необычной услуги в Московском Зоопарке
Moscow zoo has launched a new service – exclusive audio guides.

Мария Гордиенко рассказала о запуске необычной услуги в Московском Зоопарке

Now visitors can not only admire the animals but also learn about them interesting information. In the audio guide 80 embedded tracks in Russian, each devoted to a particular species.

To use the new service can each visitor of the zoo: the guides are extremely simple to use. In addition, before to give you an audio guide, an employee of the zoo will hold a short briefing to not have any problems. Rent compact player with comfortable headphones in the souvenir kiosk to the right of the main entrance to the zoo. The service costs 300 rubles.

Мария Гордиенко рассказала о запуске необычной услуги в Московском Зоопарке

“Thanks audioguida any walk around the zoo to turn into a fascinating journey with a personal electronic tour guide. You can say that this kind of personalized tours for those who want to explore the zoo on their own. An audio guide will be available to adult and child, so this device is simple. In the near future we are planning to record tracks for another three foreign languages, to visit the zoo, came from abroad, were able freely to use it,” – said General Director of the zoo Svetlana Akulova.

“Audio guide “Get Better Audioguid” is not just a personal device with a variety of programs, media and exclusive material provided by academic staff of the zoo are better than anyone whatsoever know the most important facts about each animal, its conservation status, as well as on the work of the zoo to preserve populations of this species . This is a great opportunity not only to expand the horizons of visitors, but also to remind you how important it is to keep any kind of animal and what to do. Especially for foreign guests, all the materials have been translated into foreign languages and adapted for a better understanding of subject age,” said Maria Gordienko, co-founder of “Get Better Audioguid” that provides audio guides for the zoo.

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