Маргарита Назарова: путь от пленницы-служанки до королевы арены Fate gave the artist a chance to Shine, and she didn’t miss it. Margarita Nazarova has managed to survive during the war and to achieve such stunning success that it was even admired by the first persons of the state. Today, the First channel starts the series “Margarita Nazarova”, which tells about the fate of the legendary tamer of predators.

      Маргарита Назарова: путь от пленницы-служанки до королевы арены

      The whole country eagerly awaits the start of the series “Margarita Nazarova”, which tells about the life of the most famous tamer in the Soviet Union. Series starts on the First channel next Monday. The leading actress Olga Pogodin was not afraid itself to perform all the tricks with the predators so, how did Nazarov. The role of her husband Constantine Constantine went to Andrey Chernyshev. In addition, in the above bioecon participated zapashnye brothers, as well as the famous Italian actor Paolo Conticini.

      Margarita Nazarova: the pain and the loss of the legendary tamer

      Before undertaking this ambitious project, its creators very carefully studied all the known details of the life of Margarita Nazarova, the fate of which was really amazing. Thus, was born the future star of the circus in Tsarskoye Selo near Leningrad in November 1926. Mother, who worked as a teacher, managed to instill in her a love of learning, besides, the girl went to a ballet Studio at the local House of pioneers. For seven years Rita worked fine PA, he studied plasticity and artistry. Her childhood was carefree, until the Great Patriotic war. Father was called to the front.

      So it was that young Margo was away from home when in the city included the Germans. She was captured and together with other Soviet prisoners were put on a train that went to Germany. Thus fate separated the girl and her mother. “Nobody wish to see war,” later recalled those terrible days Nazarov.

      Маргарита Назарова: путь от пленницы-служанки до королевы арены

      In Hamburg Margarita was determined to work as a maid in a wealthy family. It soon became clear that the young lady is a good dancing, she was pretty, so Margo is forced to entertain German officers in one of the seedy establishments of the city.

      “When in town, where she lived, Soviet forces entered Nazarova, managed not only to escape, but somehow hiding from all this story – says trainer Michael Bagdasarov, who worked long time together with Margarita Petrovna. – She met Constantine, began performing in the circus and star in a movie, being sure that her past safely buried. But, as it turned out, there were people who remembered about her military past. The owner of the cabaret where she danced during the war, saw Margarita Petrovna in Italy. He called her to him and she didn’t dare to refuse”.
      Маргарита Назарова: путь от пленницы-служанки до королевы арены

      After the war, Nazarov returned Home. Margarita found relatives in Latvia. Mom and both of her sisters remained alive, but the dad during the war was missing. Daugavpils was released on 27 July 1944 and 4 August it was decided to re-open in the city theatre, including in order to travel with performances around front lines, says historian Olga Vladimirovna Kornilova. Director of Daugavpils theatre has appointed Constantine”.

      It is worth noting that the theatre gave her not only a new job, but a loved one. It was there that Nazarov met with Konstantin Konstantinovskiy. It happened after the war – in the circus, where Margarita Petrovna was set to any work: drove a motorcycle, was a dancing acrobat. Constantine made artist of the second echelon of the country’s most renowned tamer”, – says Mikhail Bagdasarov.

      Маргарита Назарова: путь от пленницы-служанки до королевы арены

      The actress career went rapidly uphill. Predators felt the strong character of women and implicitly obeyed her will. Nazarov continued to work in tandem with Constantine. In 1957, at the VI world festival of youth and students in Moscow, the pair was performed with the program “Water extravaganza”. Up to this point nobody has been able to force the tigers to swim, so for the “Water extravaganza” trainers received a gold medal. There is an opinion that it was then about Marguerite found himself Nikita Khrushchev. He loved the artistic and charming tamer. They even say that it is from an easy hand of the head of state Nazarova won the role in the film “Striped flight” which brought her a resounding success. When they began shooting the Comedy, the son of Nazarova and Constantine Alexey was only a month. Constantine was invited to be the stunt in the film.

      It is interesting that Margaret has always enjoyed great success with the opposite sex. This was certainly a stumbling block in her family. Constantine was very jealous of his wife, and she, it seems, was not a burden to carry the burden of fame. “Fell in love in me? Yes, often, – said Nazarov. – Every city had a local artist of the circus, who acted on my attraction. All of my partners offered me his hand and heart. But I replied: “Why leave your family? You can be friends and so”.

      The unrivalled star of the circus memorable to fans as a bright and fearless woman who equally freely feel and in high society, and in a cage with predators. “Nazarov was able to make an impression. When she appeared on a secular reception (in the Soviet era circus performers often traveled abroad, and in this sense with them was matched only by the ballerina) or his meeting with journalists, it was impossible to tear the eyes: a beautiful, confident, well-dressed. She loved good clothes and did not regret on it money. Dresses, suits, shoes Nazarova bought abroad, they have it was of the highest quality” – says Bagdasarov.

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