МакSим борется со стереотипами в обществе

New song “Cliches” the singer has dedicated to the young generation.

I guess motherhood has changed the singer (last year she gave birth to a second daughter. — Approx. Wday). The artist, always wrote about love, this time dedicated his composition to the stamps existing in the society and urged the youth not to play by conventional rules.

“My new song “Stamp” is devoted to stereotypes in society. I watch it every day, as the younger generation, trying to stand out from the crowd, still playing on some generally accepted rules, sometimes losing their “I” – shared with Woman’s Day singer. — With this we face every day, so the idea of the song I thought everything came by itself. When I wrote this song, I wanted a little “joke” on this subject, but without the cruelty. Many people think that the song is sad, although to me it seems very positive, and the clip is really old, Sunny. Right now working on the script.

Single, by the way, is out now and available on iTunes.

However, only one song, the singer is not going to stop. Maksim has always been the mother who manages everything. And taking care of two daughters, singer while working on a new album.

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