Любовь Толкалина была раскритикована из-за своих высказываний о сексуальных домогательствах
For the past several days the whole world is discussing the scandal, which broke out around the famous in Hollywood, Harvey Weinstein.

Любовь Толкалина была раскритикована из-за своих высказываний о сексуальных домогательствах

He was accused of sexual harassment, victims of the men were Gwyneth Paltrow, rose McGowan, Angelina Jolie. Russian actress Lyubov Tolkalina has decided to speak on this occasion.

Любовь Толкалина была раскритикована из-за своих высказываний о сексуальных домогательствах

“They [the women who accused Harvey Weinstein] did not quite girly. Because sexual harassment – well, it’s fine, honestly. And if you have a role, then who cares how you got it. It seems to be, on the contrary, some kind of solidarity. All is well – it is good, it is good, and the audience, most importantly, good. There are such a great role. In General, how can a man be accused of sexual harassment, except it is not for this exists in the world?” – written by journalists of the word actress.

Then she was overwhelmed with a barrage of criticism, and Tolkalina hurried excuse, saying that her words are completely misinterpreted.

“Am I really to believe that sexual harassment, violence – well… Really it can say at least one living person. Why? Why? And so hard now in connection with Dima. Why now all this nonsense… but what is. (…) If you are in such a situation, then decide for yourself, use your head. Know where and what was going on. Everyone decides for himself and determines the boundaries. (…) In my interview it was said that the viewer doesn’t care how you got the role. And below,” said Love.

I think the actress will have no time to remember these words, especially in the beginning, she did not Express any outrage about this scandal.

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