Любовь Толкалина впервые рассказала о трагедии, случившейся с дочерью
The actress blames himself for what happened.

Любовь Толкалина впервые рассказала о трагедии, случившейся с дочерью

Lyubov with her daughter Masha

Photo: Natalia Kharitonova

Lyubov told me about how he was shocked to discover that her daughter was on a dare jumped out the window.

“Mary was always hyperactive
hooligan, — says the actress. — She was all the time running with knees, elbows and chin.
I remember how difficult it was at the airport: she would climb on the Luggage
the tape and to leave with a suitcase. Or at passport control to get ahead,
to run across the border and from there to wave hand to me…”

The fact that Mary not only mobile, but also a stubborn child, very dependent on the opinions of others, Tolkalina realized after a single case.

“Masha made a bet with a friend that will jump. On the weak. And she was just seven years old when I learned where she
as a bold and highly dependent on men’s opinions… ” continues the actress. — At that moment at the cottage was
a lot of people — we have guests with children… I have just fed children and
cleaned off the table, and they ran upstairs. Suddenly I saw Mary enters the house of
garden, and Nikita, her friend, running from the second floor and enthusiastically shouts: “I
never seen anything like it! I admire you!” It was late, so
I told the children to say goodbye and leave. Only then I paid attention to
the fact that my daughter is whiter than the ceiling and it shakes. In medicine this condition
is called a shock. In face she was diagnosed with a compression fracture
spine… it Turned out that Masha on a dare jumped from the second floor of our cottage…”

Tolkalina admits that still feels guilty for what happened with her daughter. “Masha, almost a year wore special plastic
orthopedic corset. The second grade! She can’t
it was a long sit, so Mary is the only one in the class was allowed to walk
at the office, go out and even lie on the rug, which was specially fitted with
in the class. Still, when she says: “my back hurts”, for
to me it’s like a punch to the gut. I feel guilty. Because of this injury
Masha for three years was not allowed to do any sport except swimming. And it was not synchronous, which I still to this gave (as
all childhood she was engaged in them), and about the normal, from side to side…”.

About the other secrets of this family, read a joint interview Lyubov Tolkalina and Masha Mikhalkov.


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  • Любовь Толкалина впервые рассказала о трагедии, случившейся с дочерью
    Lyubov Tolkalina


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