Любовь Тихомирова рассказала о важном событии в жизни дочери
Two-year Lyubava for the first time attended the sacrament of Holy unction.

Любовь Тихомирова рассказала о важном событии в жизни дочери

Lyubov Tikhomirova and Laszlo Dolinski daughter Lubava

Photo: Philip Goncharov

Lyubov Tikhomirova told about an important event in his life
daughter. Two-year Lyubava for the first time zaboravljas. According to the actress, it is very important
time to go to the sacrament during lent.

“Especially the daughters remember when
smeared with butter, and then carefully wiped with a napkin. Even Lyubava
responsibly holding candles with a piece of paper — says Love. — In my childhood, I do
didn’t know he went to Church only at 16. She was baptized, and then for another 10 years
was in spiritual ignorance. All the time. Well, when it comes
in the age of reason, this time…you Can fix something, something
try to avoid not to make mistakes, which, being in spiritual darkness and
error-do not believe. In a word, it is possible to start to save the soul
before… Because the end can be very sudden. Extreme unction is one of the
the seven major Sacraments of the Orthodox Church. Its main goal is healing.
And healing not only physical ailments, but emotional. It is even considered that
extreme unction in something akin to a confession when released even forgotten sins…
Seven times read the passionate gospel, seven times, anoint with healing oil
hands, head, forehead, cheeks… for the health of soul and body”.

It should be noted that Love, as a deeply religious man,
wedded with her husband and daughter were baptized by all the rules — on the 40th day after
birth. After the baptism, the mother and daughter have found a General holiday. “Now we have a daughter
will birthday in one day, we baptized her by the name Love
— said Tikhomirov in an exclusive interview to magazine “7 days”. — I found out
the sacrament can be conducted eight days after the birth of a child, and we
decided not to postpone this event.”

Lyubava Tikhomirov