Лидия Вележева винит себя в смерти сестры The actress was the guest of the program “the Destiny of man” with the YouTube Korchevnikov on the TV channel “Russia 1”. Lydia told, why could not protect my sister-a twin sister Irina. The woman died at 43.
Лидия Вележева винит себя в смерти сестры

Lydia velegeva one of the most beautiful and successful Actresses of Russian cinema. Marriage with Aleksey Guskov she is happy for thirty years, the couple has adult sons. The eldest heir to Vladimir recently presented famous mother long-awaited granddaughter Stesha. Despite all the joy, greatest sorrow for the actress has long been the deaths of twin sisters Irina.

The loss legkogo person velegeva said on the talk show “the Destiny of man”. She confessed that the cousin was the complete opposite of her. Irina in 16 years got married, but the marriage was unsuccessful. As admitted Lydia, soon sister addicted to alcohol.

“She in any Institute has not been received, she said, “Lyd, I don’t pass. I can’t help myself”. Mom always helped her, all the dowry remained with the Ira. Further fate was she sad, she became addicted to alcohol. No, she was not, of course, an alcoholic, but she somehow she had lost interest in life. Many times I talked to her, she even hid from me. I have analyzed was always a defender, a protector for her,” said the actress.
Лидия Вележева винит себя в смерти сестры

Lydia admitted that Irina was jealous, but also proud of its famous sister. However, she was embarrassed of their relationship with the actress, everyone who has noticed their similarity, said they were just friends.

“Ira told me: “You know, I envy you, you found. And I, perhaps, fate is not destined to be happy.” I told her: “You what?! You can’t think! Our life is in our hands!”, – admitted the actress.

On the death of Irene Lydia announced their stepfather. They lived in different cities, actress in Moscow, and sister in Kiev.

Лидия Вележева винит себя в смерти сестры“I remember even to this day. Remember, I came to wash the car to wash them. I gave her sat in a cafe and there was a call from my stepfather, who was on a business trip, he said, “no Ira”. I heard on the wire, on the other side, he talked and cried. She had lost a passport, she went with her first husband, then went out a second time married. Her second husband… he was hit by a car and she’s just… Lost completely. It took like a homeless person”, – shared velegeva.

The actress immediately came to Kiev, she had to find the body of sisters and tell mother the terrible news. Lydia searched for Irina at the morgue, one of them, she found her body.

“I didn’t know where to go, in which the morgue is located. But in the end I found her, I had to quickly organize a funeral. Had to tell my mom that Ira died. Funeral tomorrow morning at 10…” – said velegeva.

The actress blames herself for her sister’s death until now, women did not at the age of 43 she died of a heart attack in a rented apartment. According to Believei, she tried to help her relative secretly gave her money, gave high-quality stuff, tried to support Irina.

“It’s terrible, I always ask myself the question: “could I save her?”. I tried as I could to help her. I am a person who can give the latter. I miss her. I even remember that as I stood in the morgue, they showed me her picture, I imagined how she died, what was clothing. She came home, her heart failed. It stung, with her last breath she lay back on his pillow and died,” said velegeva.