People always betrayed the heavenly bodies of special importance. That is exactly what appeared astrology, followed by modern astronomy. Although astrology is hardly a science, the influence of moon phase on human health, the tides, and the development and growth of plants — a proven fact of science. Based on the theory about the impact of the phases of the moon, appeared lunar planting calendar gardener, which is a very successfully used in its suburban areas.
Many astrologers say that for the compilation of lunar sowing calendar of the gardener it is important to consider not only the impact of the phases of the moon, but the location of the sun relative to the zodiac signs.
We continue the series of articles “Lunar planting calendar 2016”that will help gardeners to determine the most favorable periods for carrying out those or other works. Of course, all the tips below are Advisory and conditional, however, in the spring, when gardeners are actively working on their plots, can be very useful.
Lunar planting calendar 2016 — October
Dentotechnical regarding the work in the garden and огороде1ВесыНоволуниеСажать and sow not рекомендуется2СкорпионРастущая Sunnegalerie propagation of plants roots. It is possible to produce the trimming of trees and shrubs to combat pests, to loosen the soil. A great period for консервирования3СкорпионРастущая Sunnegalerie propagation of plants roots. It is possible to produce the trimming of trees and shrubs to combat pests, to loosen the soil. A great period for консервирования4СкорпионРастущая Sunnegalerie propagation of plants roots. It is possible to produce the trimming of trees and shrubs to combat pests, to loosen the soil. A great period for консервирования5СтрелецРастущая Unasource vegetables, fruits, seeds, berries. You can dry vegetables and грибы6СтрелецРастущая Unasource vegetables, fruits, seeds, berries. You can dry vegetables and грибы7КозерогРастущая Unasource vegetables, fruits, seeds, berries. You can dry vegetables and грибы8КозерогРастущая Lunatone to plant and replant pear, plum, currants and gooseberries, to plant trees, to loosen and fertilize почву9КозерогПервая chetvertogo to plant and replant pear, plum, currants and gooseberries, to plant trees, to loosen and fertilize почву10ВодолейРастущая to Lanazarote and sow not recommended. You can spray the plants from вредителей11ВодолейРастущая to Lanazarote and sow not recommended. You can spray the plants from вредителей12РыбыРастущая Lunatone to spray the plants against pests, insulate berry кустарники13РыбыРастущая Lunatone to spray the plants against pests, insulate berry кустарники14ОвенРастущая Lunatone to produce ventilation, to fight diseases and вредителями15ОвенРастущая Lunatone to produce ventilation, to fight diseases and вредителями16ТелецПолнолуниеСажать and sow not рекомендуется17ТелецСтареющая Lunatone to cut trees and shrubs to plant winter garlic and onions, collect fruit, vegetables and ягоды18БлизнецыСтареющая Lunatone loosen the soil and to combat pests.19БлизнецыСтареющая Lunatone loosen the soil and to fight вредителями20РакСтареющая Lunatone loosen the soil and to combat pests. Pruning is better отложить21РакСтареющая Lunatone loosen the soil and to combat pests. Pruning is better отложить22ЛевПоследняя to chetvertaja and sow not рекомендуется23ЛевСтареющая to Lanazarote and sow not рекомендуется24ЛевСтареющая to Lanazarote and sow not рекомендуется25ДеваСтареющая Nonprostate transplant indoor plants, apply fertilizer, control вредителями26ДеваСтареющая Nonprostate transplant indoor plants, apply fertilizer, control вредителями27ВесыСтареющая Lunasat bulbous flowers and herbs, produce watering, loosen the soil, fertilize цветы28ВесыСтареющая Lunasat bulbous flowers and herbs, produce watering, loosen the soil, fertilize цветы29ВесыСтареющая Lunasat bulbous flowers and herbs, produce watering, loosen the soil, fertilize and sow цветы30СкорпионНоволуниеСажать not рекомендуется31СкорпионРастущая Sunnegalerie propagation of plants roots. It is possible to produce the trimming of trees and shrubs to combat pests, to loosen the soil. Great time for canning
Remember that lunar planting calendar gardener is a recommendation. The influence of lunar phases on plant growth is not as great as timely irrigation and matching weather conditions when planting and other work.