Лунный посевной календарь 2016 — июль

People always betrayed the heavenly bodies of special importance. That is exactly what appeared astrology, followed by modern astronomy. Although astrology is hardly a science, the influence of moon phase on human health, the tides, and the development and growth of plants — a proven fact of science. Based on the theory about the impact of the phases of the moon, appeared lunar planting calendar gardener, which is a very successfully used in its suburban areas.

Many astrologers say that for the compilation of lunar sowing calendar of the gardener it is important to consider not only the impact of the phases of the moon, but the location of the sun relative to the zodiac signs.

We continue the series of articles “Lunar planting calendar 2016”that will help gardeners to determine the most favorable periods for carrying out those or other works. Of course, all the tips below are Advisory and conditional, however, in the spring, when gardeners are actively working on their plots, can be very useful.

Lunar planting calendar 2016 — July

Dentotechnical regarding the work in the garden and огороде1БлизнецыСтареющая Lunaposada and transplanting herbaceous plants is undesirable. You can harvest root crops, herbs, fruits and berries. Remove extra shoots, produce cultivation mulching, прополку2БлизнецыСтареющая Lunaposada and transplanting herbaceous plants is undesirable. You can harvest root crops, herbs, fruits and berries. Remove extra shoots, produce cultivation mulching, прополку3РакСтареющая Loading suitable for canning and salting, gathering herbs and medicinal трав4РакНоволуниеСажать and нежелательно5ЛевРастущая lunasat to sow and transplant garden culture is undesirable. It is better to do the planting of trees and shrubs. You can mow the grass, prepare beds, mulch, fight pests, crop деревья6ЛевРастущая to Lanazarote and transplant horticultural undesirable. It is better to do the planting of trees and shrubs. You can mow the grass, prepare beds, mulch, fight pests, crop деревья7ЛевРастущая to Lanazarote and transplant horticultural undesirable. It is better to do the planting of trees and shrubs. You can mow the grass, prepare beds, mulch, fight pests, crop деревья8ДеваРастущая to Lanazarote and transplant vegetables and fruit trees is not recommended. Better to pay attention to decorative plants and winding цветам9ДеваРастущая to Lanazarote and transplant vegetables and fruit trees is not recommended. Better to pay attention to decorative plants and winding цветам10ВесыРастущая Lunatone to plant flowers, lay the tubers and seeds for storage, planting of stone fruit trees. A good day for cut flowers and work with the room растениями11ВесыРастущая Lunatone to plant flowers, lay the tubers and seeds for storage, planting of stone fruit trees. A good day for cut flowers and work with the room растениями12ВесыПервая chetvertogo to plant flowers, lay the tubers and seeds for storage, planting of stone fruit trees. A good day for cut flowers and work with the room растениями13СкорпионРастущая Lunatone to plant and replant all cultures, but the preference is still better to give undersized растениям14СкорпионРастущая Lunatone to plant and replant all cultures, but the preference is still better to give undersized растениям15СтрелецРастущая Luna this day is to plant fast-growing plants, collect fruit, vegetables and berries. A great time for planting home цветов16СтрелецРастущая Luna this day is to plant fast-growing plants, collect fruit, vegetables and berries. A great time for planting home цветов17КозерогРастущая Lunatone to loosen the soil, plant and transplant trees and shrubs, mow the grass, make удобрения18КозерогРастущая Lunatone to loosen the soil, plant and transplant trees and shrubs, mow the grass, make удобрения19КозерогРастущая Lunatone to loosen the soil, plant and transplant trees and shrubs, mow the grass, make удобрения20ВодолейПолнолуниеСажать and sow нежелательно21ВодолейСтареющая to Lanazarote and sow desirable. Collect root crops and cereals. Make mulching and weeding, crop деревья22РыбыСтареющая Loading suitable for planting onion, celery, radish, grafting and pruning. It is possible to prepare jams and pickles, to water the garden, make удобрения23РыбыСтареющая Loading suitable for planting onion, celery, radish, grafting and pruning. It is possible to prepare jams and pickles, to water the garden, make удобрения24ОвенСтареющая to Lanazarote and sow desirable. Collect and dry roots, and fruit, produce mulch, fight pests, prune trees, collect medicinal травы25ОвенСтареющая to Lanazarote and sow desirable. Collect and dry roots, and fruit, produce mulch, fight pests, prune trees, collect medicinal травы26ТелецСтареющая Lunatone to plant any bulbs and roots, cut trees and кусты27ТелецПоследняя chetvertogo to plant any bulbs and roots, cut trees and кусты28БлизнецыСтареющая Lunaposada and transplanting herbaceous plants is undesirable. You can harvest root crops, herbs, fruits and berries. Remove extra shoots, produce cultivation mulching, прополку29БлизнецыСтареющая Lunaposada and transplanting herbaceous plants is undesirable. You can harvest root crops, herbs, fruits and berries. Remove extra shoots, produce cultivation mulching, прополку30РакСтареющая Loading suitable for canning and salting, gathering herbs and medicinal трав31РакСтареющая Loading suitable for canning and salting, gather greens and herbs

Remember that lunar planting calendar gardener is a recommendation. The influence of lunar phases on plant growth is not as great as timely irrigation and matching weather conditions when planting and other work.

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