Любовник Анфисы Чеховой не хотел платить за отношения
Anfisa Chekhova, while vacationing in Thailand, succumbed to the attentions of a young Englishman and indulged with him the joys of life.

Любовник Анфисы Чеховой не хотел платить за отношения

But after breaking up, the British insisted on continuing, and they began to meet regularly, here are all the joint account was divided in half.

As is known, Russian girls, including Anfisa Chekhov, was used to men always and for all have to pay, and that somehow went wrong.

The last straw these relations was the moment when the boyfriend persistently invited Anfisa to spend time with him in Marbella, and was ready to buy her ticket, but with the condition that she immediately return the money to him. Then, Turning to chat with him no longer.

Любовник Анфисы Чеховой не хотел платить за отношения

This story Chekhov told herself in her instagram and lamented the fact that the resort’s novels seem to end well.

However, it was, apparently, a long time, and her latest novel, which became known, is the relationship with the yoga instructor.