Возлюбленную Николая Баскова нагло обокрали в Москве

Beloved popular Russian singer Nikolai Baskov Sofia Kalcheva was robbed just on Novorizhskoye shosse in Moscow a few hours ago.

As reported by a number of publications, the girl Baskov lost the original bag from Chanel and contents.
Kalcheva parked to drop into one of the boutiques, and when I came back from the store, he discovered that the purse was missing, and the window in her Mercedes broken. The message of Sophia, the value of accessory exceeds two hundred thousand roubles. In addition, it was 55 thousand rubles in cash. Fortunately, the documents of Sophia were not in the bag.
Investigators are now searching for the robbers and find out all the details of the incident. Kalcheva still in shock – she could not think what might happen at the boutiques near the highway leading to the luxury development. Be vigilant and careful.