Любовь особая: как появление внуков меняет жизнь звезд “StarHit” found out who the celebrity doted in his heirs and proudly shares the happiness of upbringing of the heirs. Often the stars admit that the appearance of kids completely changes their lives.

      Любовь особая: как появление внуков меняет жизнь звезд

      Many celebrities — people are closed, and about his personal life prefer not to speak. But even they, when it comes to grandchildren, and melt with a touching smile, pride on his lips and excitement in his voice talking about their achievements, success, communication.

      It is difficult to imagine how Nikita Mikhalkov “fights” with her grandchildren, and Mikhail Boyarsky persuades “eat another spoonful”. But so it is. Stars — they are people too, happy parents, and grandparents. “StarHit” gathered the most reverent and caring stars who doted in his heirs.

      Leonid Yarmolnik

      Actor Leonid Yarmolnik has repeatedly acknowledged that gets the incredible pleasure of communicating with their grandson. In an interview with “StarHit” he said, “I dreamed of becoming a grandfather. Was always jealous of Oleg Yankovsky — he has 46 years old was born first grandson Vanya. I was often asked daughter Sasha — say, when and you’ll make me happy? But she is a hard and long time to choose a husband.”

      The grandfather of the actor has been on 12 November 2014. And since, according to him, all life had changed, and the existence of the family made sense. Besides the daughter with her husband, businessman Andrey Maltsev, decided to live with his parents in their three-story mansion near Moscow. So enjoy the company of a grandson Petit Yarmolnik may, at any time. And gladly does it.

      Любовь особая: как появление внуков меняет жизнь звезд

      “Peter began to walk, already keeps excellent balance, runs around the house all the time and shouts something — uket, ACET. He is clearly trying to convey, but I have no translator. Here it says “Gia!”, and I understand that this means, he does not allow”. However not always communicating with his grandson took the actor so happily and smoothly. Trust the kid my grandfather was, when Pete turned two months: “I was even allowed to go for a walk with him. He was fed,Packed and issued. The main problem was that he didn’t Wake up. Once this has happened, and I started to panic”.

      The birth of a grandson Petit 62-year-old Yarmolnik believes one of the main events of his life and very proud of it. “The role of good grandparents? You can only enjoy. Doing the children — fed, bathed, and you only get the pleasure of communicating with the baby, – said Leonid in an interview to the program “You wouldn’t believe!”. – Grandchildren is a totally different thing than children. The warmth and love here in the square, even in Cuba”.

      Vladimir Vinokur

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      For the first time became a grandfather and humorist Vladimir Vinokur. His only daughter, 30-year-old ballerina of the Bolshoi theatre Anastasia December 10, 2015 gave birth to a boy. It is newfound grandfather was the first who told the world about it. “I want to congratulate all my close-knit family with the birth of a son, grandson, great-grandson – Fedora”, – he wrote on his page in social networks.

      From the moment Vladimir Vinokur uses every opportunity to Polyanitsa with his grandson and look after him when young parents need to get out of the house. However, while the baby is small, a well-known humorist’t trust much. But in walks grandpa with his grandson regularly. Residents of the luxury high-rise in the centre of Moscow was often seen 67-year-old distiller’s while walking with the baby. Do not deny yourself this pleasure folk artist and when mom’s around — enjoys the company of her daughter and grandson.

      By the way, the name of Fyodor, the boy received also thanks to the humorist. Many years ago, Vinokur was born nephew, named Vladimir. Vladimir is a senior often was busy with the baby, fed him, and when he didn’t want to do something, said a phrase from the famous film Gaidai: “it is Necessary, Fedya, it is necessary”. The boy grew up and asked: “why two Vladimir Vinokur?” And fast “was renamed” uncle at Fedor. Even then their army Vinokur letter signed “Your Fedor”. Now it is named after the grandson of that famous grandpa is very proud. And not by chance, meeting 2016 in new structure, winokur admitted in social networks: “the best New year in my long life!”

      Elena Malysheva

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      A little over a year has the status of “grandmother” Elena Malysheva and doted in a small heir. 25 January 2015 firstborn appeared at her eldest son George. The boy was named after my grandfather, Helena’s husband — Igor: “Now we have two in the family of Igor Yurievich. One big Professor, and the other is still quite small, but supplying us with great joy”.

      By the way, about the new status has informed teledoctor in its program “Health”, showing pictures of adorable baby. And even introduced a new category “I am a grandmother!”, in which talks about the development of children. Malyshev was most recently demonstrated in the program video with a little Igor, when told about how to protect ordinary city apartment in which lives a small child.

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      “Our family is now a year-old child. Therefore, at home everything is blocked, nailed, all on special clamps and straps. Yes, a little uncomfortable for adults, but we worry about our Igor”.

      Elena Malyshev told about the family tragedy

      Of course, as a doctor and mother Elena shares her parenting advice with a grandson daughter-in-law Karina, but does not insist on their use – young parents decide what’s best for the baby. “My husband and I bought our grandson a silver spoon. But our Carina said: “American pediatricians do not recommend to use metal spoons for babies, as they can injure their gums. I said, “come on, Carisch, we won some beauties grow! No one was hurt!”, – said Elena Malysheva in an interview. – And then I thought, “Lord, and suddenly and the truth will scratch the gums, Igor?!” I realized that all the pain experiences lie not on me but on my mother and father the boy. Let feed from their modern plastic spoons!”


      Любовь особая: как появление внуков меняет жизнь звезд

      D’artagnan national cinema already three times grandfather: he has two granddaughters and one grandson. Senior kata 17 years, and she is already more interesting to spend time with friends. How jokes yourself: “I there access no, I’m an old bag”. Seven-year Sasha, – fidget, when he comes to visit, running around the apartment. And according to the actor, if she says “Grandpa, come and play!”, he understands everything, five minutes will be in the soap. Most attention goes to younger now the grandson, the son of Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev, three-Andrew.

      “Me and Larissa (wife of Mikhail Boyarskiy, Larisa Luppian — approx. “StarHit”) grandson would bully, as he is not sleeping, watching TV, and this is prohibited, walks are not on schedule, – said the actor “StarHit”. – Like any normal child, Andrew does not eat. I’m on the go writing him stories about Denis Korablev. So when I feed him, all doing great!”

      Mikhail Boyarsky: “the Grandson would bully me, as he wants”

      According to Larisa Luppian, Mikhail Boyarsky — grandfather is very anxious, because for him the centre of the Universe. By the way, when Andrew asked who his best friend, he little thought, replied: “Grandpa!” 66-year-old Prodigy admitted that when he was growing up his children, he gave all the work force taking care of the financial welfare of the family. And now catching up with their grandchildren: “we Have in the apartment scattered everywhere toys. Order already, I suspect, not see. We with Larissa grandchildren, nothing prohibited, for example, a bed for them – a trampoline. When parents are taking them, feeling that their ears with cotton wool stuffed up – silence and emptiness, as in the Mausoleum”.

      Mikhail Porechenkov

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      The actor Mikhail Porechenkov has five children, and in may 2015 appeared first granddaughter. The father was pleased with the eldest son 26-year-old Vladimir Pets. However, while Michael personally with her granddaughter Miroslava did not communicate. She and her mom Julia lives in Estonia where she left to stay with relatives at the time of birth. Soon plans to return to Moscow, to her husband, who followed in the footsteps of his father and is now studying in College.Schepkin.

      47-year-old Porechenkov stated that the emergence of a granddaughter even more changed his life. It is with some genuine trepidation about the little girl says. “While Miroslav with my mom in Tallinn, and I saw the baby in pictures. Beautiful, delicate, funny, – says the actor. – I can not wait, when they will move to Moscow. So want to cuddle, because we have such small anymore. With the birth of granddaughter has experienced some moment of excitement. The next generation has come. The person is still tiny, but growing, and what’s next – which kindergarten will go where to study? Already thinking about life to build, and a huge number of issues”.

      Michael Turetsky

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      Producer Michael Turetsky long dreamed of a successor, but was around him, in his own words, “exceptional women’s Kingdom” – four daughters. And only two years ago — in January 2014 — in the family there was a boy Vanya.

      “However, I really wanted the baby named Boris – in honor of my dad, told Turkish “StarHit”. But matchmaker Zoya, looking at the grandson is blond with blue eyes, immediately said: “Vanya!”. And don’t argue. Especially that Natasha gave birth on the eve of the big Orthodox holiday – Epiphany. Here the case is ordered: name Ivan and a famous story about John the Baptist – all together contacted”.

      Not immediately known producer managed to rebuild their habitual perception. The first 2-3 months after birth, when the Maestro took his grandson in his arms, said with enthusiasm: “my Girl!” With time corrected. Here are just still can not deny myself the pleasure to indulge the kid.

      So, on the second anniversary of the boy Michael gave the boy an elegant suit that had transformed the boy into a true gentleman. And according to Turkish, he did it not by chance: “Good taste, including clothing, should be taught from childhood!” In General, parenting advice Michael daughter does not, only if it about it ask. But he is convinced that the boy you need to educate exclusively men’s personal example: “Like what you’re saying, keep your word and your acts – all by example! Children are very observant. The boy from the first years it is necessary to raise a real man. And I want my grandson was a real man.”

      Alla Pugacheva

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      The prima Donna of the Russian stage a grandmother three times. But as much as she loved her grandchildren, Nikita and Dani are very delicate feelings felt for a long-awaited granddaughter Claudia, that 30 March will be four years. We will remind that the meeting with Christine the three-month baby at the airport (Orbakaite gave birth in Miami – Approx. “StarHit”), Alla immediately took the girl in his arms and not let go until the house, where specially altered for her baby in one of the rooms. And little Claudia was there to host, as understood at once, who can actually rope.

      In the Network appeared a touching photo Pugacheva and Galkin with children

      However, as told “StarHit” close friend Pugacheva Alina Redel, Alla loves all her grandchildren. Nikita finds a common language even better than Christine. All the time saying mine, mine, mine. Denis also idolizes. And he on the day of his 14 birthday he admitted: “Alla, you are the best grandma in the world!” Claudia she loves, is proud of her and often repeats: “This is our man, is our breed”. Exactly Pugacheva became the godmother Claudia. Granddaughter is a frequent guest at the castle at the singer. She has made friends with the children of Alla, two-year-old twins Harry and Lisa, and now the three of us kids bring in the Diva delight. Recently Pugachev set up a “Instagram”, where posts including photos and videos of children. And in early February, posted a photo of a beautiful girl in the dance steps and signed: “My little miracle. Granddaughter-drop. Claudia”.

      Nikita Mikhalkov

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      Director Nikita Mikhalkov enjoys spending time with her grandchildren – they play, fight, ride on quads. He is perhaps the most “rich” grandfather in the domestic film business – he has nine grandchildren!

      The eldest daughter of Stepan from his first marriage, she was 23 years old. And the little Lydia, daughter of Anna, she’s only 2.5 years. When she was born, Nikita Sergeevich was very upset and complained to journalists that it’s been almost a month, and he still gave her baby allowed only to kiss. But Lida received on the occasion of his birth from the eminent noble grandfather gift vintage chain with precious pendant that belonged to her great-grandmother.

      By the way, christening granddaughter Nina, daughter Nadia, a happy grandfather also donated a family heirloom – a gold cross. And her granddaughter Natasha, daughter of Artem, took in an episode of his film “sunstroke”. As admitted to journalists Mikhalkov himself, none of the other grandchildren have never asked him to withdraw. “And what would be the raising competitors? smiling happy grandpa. – They are independent. Call me Niketon, no honor. But I, in General, very happy”.


      Любовь особая: как появление внуков меняет жизнь звезд

      Actress Tatyana lyutaeva became a happy grandmother in June 2014 – the long-awaited grandson gave her daughter Agnes Ditkovskite. From the very first minutes of the newfound grandmother could not get enough of the baby: “This is happiness, great happiness. We’ve been waiting for”. And after discharge, Fedor and his parents went to live to Luchevoi house in the country — to spend more time outdoors. And there Tatiana gladly took over care of the boy.

      “I do everything: walk, bathe, play, talk, – says the actress “Antenna”. He even visit my grandmother does sometimes take him to my place to sleep.” Sleepless nights can be avoided, Fedor grows quiet child, and very positive.

      According to the actress, the grandson gives her inner harmony, which is the main secret of female beauty. And he adds: “In children we have to invest only love and constantly tell them that they are loved, because love never is never too much”. In addition, the actress emphasizes that having children is a great joy, as if born grandchildren is happiness even more conscious. And she will be happy if Fyodor will appear brothers and sisters.


      Любовь особая: как появление внуков меняет жизнь звезд

      As recognized herself the people’s artist of Russia, her son Daniel embodies now what she when could not, because God gave to her one son. But she is now a grandmother three times: George grandson 6 years old, granddaughters Faith 2.5 years and Martha 11 months. Babkina in their worships and seeks to spend all my free time. In 2013, even bought the plot next door and built himself a house there to be near her son and grandchildren.

      Kids like a true grandmother, of course, pampers, much allows. And sometimes the son has to stop her. Grandchildren always look forward to the arrival of the “Nadi” — so they call the singer, even though I know it’s “grandma.” “Sometimes, when I go to the city, only to be knocked down. I want to go and sit on the couch and drown in it, – tells Nadezhda Babkina in an interview. – But is my car to sound in the courtyard as the doors open, run George, Vera and shout “Nadia, we’ve missed you!” The plan to collapse immediately cancelled.”

      The smallest, Martock, still prefers grandma’s jewelry — they are large and beautiful. “We have a special relationship – the singer admits. She touches his forehead to mine and then nose to nose and freezes in this posture. At this point we have some energy exchange is going. Amazing feeling”.


      One of the most beautiful Actresses of Russian cinema Olga Ostroumova first became a grandmother in 2007. And immediately admitted that his grandson Zach now her most favorite man. The first months after the birth of a grandson Ostroumova day and night was busy with the baby – the daughter of Olga and Zaharchik lived in her country. And the actress is all dissolved in your favorite grandson.

      Today Olga is already three times the grandmother — son Michael gave her in 2008, her granddaughter Pauline, and in 2012 Faina. Now on holidays in a country house Ostroumova-But going to a big family and the older generation gladly having fun with the kids.

      “Grandson, we arrange chairs, do crafts, play “treasure Island”, – says the actress. In the house converted into child a separate room. However, it was non-residential, a garage is narrow, with low ceiling and small window. Therefore, the acting couple was forced to go into the program “a Perfect repair” on the First channel, and they remade it into a bright and comfortable room “for the grandchildren”. Actually now the whole life is subordinated to children. So, on New year’s day adults gave the kids a surprise and ordered a letter from Santa Claus. “How much was the joy the students to read, for example, “Dear Zachary, I wish you…” – says Ostroumova.

      According to Valentin Gaft, Olga Ostroumova — perfect grandmother. Grandchildren adore her. “They are wonderful, – said the actress. – Zakharko in their school wins the Olympics. I’m generally proud of their grandchildren. They are so clever”.

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