Потерявшая ребенка Савичева рассказала об отношениях с мужем после трагедии The singer was difficult to cope with emotions. A few years ago Yulia Savicheva did not spare himself and continued to speak, even being pregnant. The artist believed that will be able to withstand the pressure, but the body failed.
Потерявшая ребенка Савичева рассказала об отношениях с мужем после трагедии

In August of this year it became known that the singer Julia Savicheva became a mother. The actress and her husband Alexander Arshinov named the girl Anna. Only recently revealed that the couple had long dreamed about the baby. As it turned out, several years ago the celebrity lost the baby. For spouses it was a severe blow, which affected their relationship. The tragedy occurred during a tour of Julia.

“When I got back to Moscow, my husband and I were broken, but not to withdraw into themselves. Constantly talked, cried together, trying to come to terms with the shared grief. To in a difficult situation to keep the family together, it is necessary to talk about everything, anything to keep inside. Want to beat my head against the wall — beat! Most importantly, together,” admitted Savicheva.

Julia and Alexander did not despair and hoped that soon their family will welcome baby. The artist corrected the graph shows to have more time to remove the care of their own health.

The doctor, who was watching the amazing, advised the couple to change the situation. The couple then decided to go to Portugal. Abroad, the artist allowed himself to truly relax. Julia turned off the phone and stopped to monitor the progress of colleagues on stage. It was then that the graduate of “factory of stars” realized how very tired from all the fuss. According to the singer, it was in Portugal she differently looked at her husband.

“Both realized that really didn’t know each other and were not a real family. We new felt and knew: he is me, and I him. Began to talk about what is not satisfied with each other and why, even fighting. In General, re-built our relationship,” – shares memories Savicheva.

Two months later the measured life of the couple, even reconciled with the idea that they will never have children and took it as fate. After some time, the singer did a pregnancy test and got a positive result. The next day she went to the clinic to donate blood.

Disappeared Yulia Savicheva congratulations on the birth of their first child

“In the hospital open the envelope with the tests confirming the pregnancy, and begin to cry. In shock, the staff do not understand what is happening. I asked Sasha: “She doesn’t want the baby?” He tearfully explains how long we waited and that I’m just crying from happiness,” said Julia frankly in interview to the edition “Collection Caravan of Stories”.