Лолита: «Дочь не может пока за себя постоять». Yesterday in Jurmala for the fourth time opened the festival Laima Vaikule “Rendezvous”. The artist invited the star friends share not only the stage of the hall “Dzintari”, but the house – in the mansion of the singer day and night preparations were made for the event.
Лолита: «Дочь не может пока за себя постоять».

However, as recognized by Laima Vaikule, the hostess she is not the most hospitable. “My house is always open for guests, but the dishes and laid tables should not wait, – said the scientist. – The maximum that can heat food from the nearest store or order in the cafe”.

Some days, the actress felt the heroine of the reality show – broadcast rehearsals from her home Internet was almost 24 hours.

“Was watched by nearly 4 million people, and the most popular were moments when I was asleep,” jokes lime.
Лолита: «Дочь не может пока за себя постоять».

Select one of the images in which the singer appeared on stage on the opening day, helped her colleague – Italian singer Mario Biondi.

“I don’t usually think much about such things, dress how you feel, mood – recognized lime. And he came into my room, inspected the closet and pointed to a specific outfit, they said, well, will you be my black bride!”
Лолита: «Дочь не может пока за себя постоять».
Лолита: «Дочь не может пока за себя постоять».

Visiting scientist, also visited the group “Uma2rman”. One of its participants, Sergey Kristovsky, by the way, brought to the festival and their heirs – a son Vlad and daughter Alice.

“Children, I have long been attached to musical get-together, – has shared with “StarHit” Kristovskiy. Daughter singing, son on piano playing. They like this atmosphere.” Alice admitted that she dreams, as a dad, performing on stage, and all the artists she likes most the band “Uma2rman”.

Lolita admitted that before to fly to Latvia, she had to take a pill of fear – artist suffers from aerophobia. Backstage, the singer generously shared their daughter’s success in school – this year, the heiress stars graduated from high school in Kiev. First, if Lolita wanted to give eve in one of the Moscow universities, and then a bit later, as it turned out, changed his mind.

“The daughter got into University of Warsaw the faculty – shared the actress. – Her propensity for languages. Now she is going to teach Polish, then another 2-3 foreign. Her English and so everything is fine – she’s looking at the movies, can help me to find in the Internet the necessary information. It is possible to Polish will soon add French. This year eve will be engaged in Kiev, where we have a branch of this University. All summer it is cooked with the teacher.”

Lolita notes that to send a child to school abroad for her was a difficult decision.

“Not that I wasn’t in it I’m sure just to never let her go so long and far, – the singer admits. Eve is very calm, well-mannered. But it is not that I have the ability to defend themselves. The farm’s daughter quite independent – able to cook, wash. Can do it!”