Лолита и ее муж спасаются от сектантов за рубежом The actress and her husband Dmitry Ivanov decided to go to Bulgaria. According to Milavskaya she would like her partner recovered and rested after the experience. She also said that he feared a call from the organizers of the trainings.

      Recently it became known that the husband of singer Lolita Milavskaya visits questionable psychological training, having a reputation as “sectarian”. Dmitry Ivanov saw in the classroom in one of the capital’s organizations that are providing such educational services. After some time the husband of the actress told reporters it has no plans to go to these courses. Now in press the information appeared that Lolita and Dmitry Ivanov decided to leave Russia. The couple went to Bulgaria, where the star has an apartment in a luxury residential complex.

      Lolita tries to save the wife from the influence of the sect

      “We’re here to Dima came to himself and just sighed. I continue on tour, dime — a job, he’s the coach. Very afraid that the people from this organization will continue to get it. Most importantly — I am happy that on this issue drew attention,” said Lolita reporters.

      Earlier, the actress told the media that her husband spent on educational services 66 thousand rubles for five days. IBA stressed that Ivanov is a fairly large amount, since her choice is not dependent on the wife financially. According to Lolita, the training programs – fraud and siphoning money. Celebrity told me that after class, Dmitry came home at two in the morning, regularly called the curator and told him about every step of the way.

      Palladium also shared that she was able to learn about these courses from friends. “I was in shock. Within these walls, not one good soul perished and not one fragile psyche broke down. In the best case, people undergoing rehabilitation in the worst – went out the window,” – said Lolita.

      After the singer has collected a sufficient amount of information about the center, went to her husband, she decided to convince her husband to end it. Lo and Dmitry sat down at the negotiating table. Under the influence of his wife Ivanov understood the situation and realized that he should not visit psychological trainings. IBA admitted to journalists that is very happy with his decision. If the spouse star stopped a little later, his mind could not withstand. “There are already attempts of suicide, and treatment in a psychiatric hospital, and so forth,” shared Lo.

      Currently Palladium and its reputation restored after the experience abroad. Husband of Lolita gave her word that no longer fall into such traps of fraudsters. The celebrity also told life.ru that is very pleased with the media attention to her family history. Due to this the deputies responded and began testing.