Лохан в Каннах щеголяет с животиком и кольцом на пальце

The appearance of Lindsay in Cannes has caused a stir – the actress rounded belly, and the ring finger appeared engagement ring!

On the Cote d’azur Lindsay Lohan and her fiancé, 22-year-old businessman Yegor Tarabanov, arrived under the closing ceremonies. And immediately went to have fun.

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Along with a couple of friends settled on the yacht “Phantom”, where they was caught by the paparazzi. Photographers managed to photograph Lohan in swimsuit, and what was their surprise when they saw that the actress rounded belly! Spied a couple of reporters immediately suspected that the star is pregnant!

In favor of this version say and other outfits Lindsay. On a walk the girl went into cover-up dress-shirt with a high waist. By the way, her fiance chose the shorts to match the outfit of the bride. Just family onion some!

Surely the rumors were true, and 29-year-old Lindsay’s getting married? Lohan herself engaged to a Russian businessman has not yet commented. However, all those who watched the couple in Cannes, inclined to believe that the wedding to be.

At parties actress all the time hugging and kissing Greg, when they went on a yacht on the French coast, the groom gently massaged the shoulders of the bride… the story just cannot end happy ending!

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