Liza Arzamasova posted a photo in a swimsuit taken by her husband Ilya Averbukh 28-year-old actress Liza Arzamasova and her 49-year-old figure skater husband Ilya Averbukh went on vacation. published a photo in a swimsuit taken by her husband Ilya Averbukh” /> On the page in her social networks, “Daddy's daughter” shares with followers the details of a family trip, and also does not forget about photos.

The day before, the girl showed the audience her toned figure by posting a picture against the backdrop of the seascape. Arzamasova posed in a blue swimsuit with a floral print. The image was complemented by a straw hat.

Lisa Arzamasova published a photo in a swimsuit taken by her husband Ilya Averbukh

It's time to bring some summer frivolity into my serious feed. The photographer is the husband,” the actress wrote. which were made by her husband Ilya Averbukh” />

The TV star's fans highly appreciated the pictures and gave her many compliments: “Liza, Ilya sees you very beautifully”, “The figure, of course, is a feast for the eyes”, “Beautiful tan! And my respect to a wonderful photographer and a great model!”, “You are a charm, Lizonka.”

Recall that Liza Arzamasova and Ilya Averbukh first spoke about their relationship in September 2020 on the air of the Evening Urgant show. Three months later, they got married, and less than a year later, on August 14, 2021, baby Leo was born.

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