Лиза Арзамасова выросла копией бабушки
The actress congratulated her grandmother on the 80th anniversary.

Лиза Арзамасова выросла копией бабушки

Lisa Arzamasova

Photo: Instagram

Grandma Liza Arzamasova

Photo: Instagram

Today grandma popular actress Liza Arzamasova celebrates. Lisa has published a touching greeting on his personal blog, which pointed out what exactly they similar grandmother.

“Today, my beautiful Princess, my beloved Sascha, Alexandra, my beloved grandmother’s 80th birthday! writes Lisa. She is beautiful, amazing, Flirty, cheerful! She makes the most delicious liver cake, the most delicate fish cakes! She is already 57 years old married to my beloved man! She’s more fun just to laugh and joke! She is the most pleasant news to report and grade examinations. She’s A Delight! And speaking of genetics: that’s who gave me this “deer” to me. It is indestructible! And those who ask me to learn to see the world through different eyes, can look into the eyes of my Princess. Against nature “do not trample”. We even photographed with her equally. Many years babulechka! Very proud that you and my grandfather decided to master the Internet! It’s time!”

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