Линдси Лохан разочаровала маму Егора Тарабасова
The lovers had already started to fight.

Lindsay Lohan and Yegor Tarabanov

Photo: @lindsaylohan Lindsay Lohan Instagram

in the Greek resort near the town of Mycenae were shocked by the scene unfolding
in front of them. A guy and a girl for a long time quarreled and shouted at each other, not
paying attention to the fact that the Bank was full of people. And then she grabbed
your satellite mobile phone and threw it away into the sea!

The lovers were not ordinary citizens who came to bask in
the sun and splash in the sea: it was Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan and
her Russian boyfriend — Yegor Tarabanov. As reported, they started Dating only
in the past year, but their relationship developed so rapidly that in the press
there have been reports of them allegedly held a secret engagement and plans to have children. Friend Lindsey
told me that she is happy with Egor as not been with anyone before. And
the parents of the actress has with emotion anticipated “Russian grandchildren.

Alas, as it turned out, the lovers had already started to fight. And the scene, witnesses were visitors to the beach, was not the first argument
pair. According to friends, Lohan is desperately jealous of the beloved on every occasion. He’s younger than her by 7
years. And though Lindsay insisted that it plays no role in their relationship, in fact it is not
so. She leaves, should she see next to her boyfriend some young chick .

How did the scout the reporters of the newspaper The Sun described above the altercation occurred after
like Lohan, using the fact that her boyfriend was away for a while, start
to read some texts on his phone. One of them, presumably from his female fans
brought Lindsay into a rage. The saddest thing about this story was the fact that in addition to
accidental tourists, a witness of the quarrel was the mother of Bronwyn. They say
she was outraged by the behavior of Lohan and urged her son to think whether he needs
that kind of relationship.

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