Алсу потрясла фанатов внешним видом после родов
The singer revealed the secret fans of the secret of his silence.


Photo: @alsou_a (Instagram Alsu)

Today Alsu again delighted fans after a long silence. The singer stepped out social network seven weeks, and all this time, subscribers missed news of her life. And then, finally, the artist published his new photo and told us how she feels after the third confinement.

“Welcome to a little sleepy, a little tired, a little missing Alsu! These past few weeks, outside of social networking flew by as one day! And what I want to say. First, I’m incredibly pleased that I waited and missed me!Thanks for all the warm words you wrote to me! Sorry I ignored you at that time… secondly, I didn’t go anywhere and was just being a MOM at 100, which, incidentally, warned. Oh, and thirdly… you Know, sometimes it’s nice to take a little vacation from social networking! Try it, you will not regret! Most importantly, not abusing…” — she wrote in microblogging.

Subscribers the appearance Alsu incredibly inspired. They are not left without attention that the singer looks very fresh. Given that less than two months ago, Bella became a mother for the third time, which means a sleepless night in full swing, she manages to keep well-groomed and shining. “Even with a baby on his hands, and still pretty!”, “Well done, well done, smart, beautiful!”, “Even more beautiful! In the eyes of light and love!” commented fans.