Леонид Агутин прояснил дальнейшую судьбу хита «Зимняя вишня» A famous actor told about whether or not to wait for the return of smash-hit in the repertoire of Angelika Varum. After a terrible fire in Kemerovo, killing several dozen people, including children, the artist has ceased to fulfill one of his most popular songs.

After the tragedy in the Kemerovo shopping centre, “Winter cherry”, which occurred in March, Angelica Varum decided to suspend his performance of the eponymous smash-hit. After learning about the incident, the star has canceled two concerts, and the proceeds from performances in Irkutsk, transferred to relatives of those killed and injured in the fire.

Recently reporters asked the wife of the artist Leonid Agutin about whether to expect the return of the hit to the concert of Angelica Varum. The musician said that at the moment it is not possible. At the same time Agutin has not excluded that in the more distant future Angelica will again perform “Winter cherry”, but is it worth it to wait is an open question.

“Maybe once it ceases to be Association,” added singer.

Reporters asked Leonid Agutin, consulted with the wife, taking a decision, to which the artist replied in the negative. According to the artist, they with Angelica loved the track “Winter cherry”, so sorry that it happened.

“We mourn that it was a good song, very sorry,” Simon shared with reporters.

Note that the tragedy in Kemerovo rallied the whole country. Many Russians volunteered to help the victims of the fire and transferred money to support the families of those killed in the fire. Local branch of “Russian red cross” (PKK) was able to collect 135 million rubles, and on account of the main financial management of the Kemerovo region received 184 million. Discussing what will impressive amount. The number of Internet users criticized the PKK, and expressed doubt that staff will really help the needy.

Does not stop the debate and programme on the expenditure of funds published on the website of the “red cross”. The paper reported that it is intended to run until February 2019 and will focus on two target groups – families of those killed and injured in the fire. According to journalists, will be targeted assistance and medical and psychosocial rehabilitation of victims and their loved ones. In the first cost, approved April 19, said about 15 tickets to the Belokurikha resort, the travel for summer vacation in “Artek” for children from families who have lost loved ones, as well as buying beds and provision of home care to a veteran whose relative died in a fire. Further victim assistance will continue.

We will remind that the tragedy in the Kemerovo shopping centre, “Winter cherry” took place on the afternoon of March 25. The fire killed 60 people, including 41 children. A criminal case was initiated on three counts, including arson. As the main causes of PE is considered short in the wiring.

After the fire, many stars cancelled their performances or postponed to other date, and Angelica Varum was excluded from the repertoire of the hit “Winter cherry”. To date, the star did not take a decision on the future of the smash-hit, reports RIA Novosti.