Леонардо ДиКаприо получил якутский "Оскар", но пока не отреагировал

Leonardo DiCaprio presented the national “Oscar”

The award has found its hero, twice: Leonardo DiCaprio received the “Oscar” not only from the Academy, but also from the Yakutian residents who made my award for favorite actor. Precious metals to create “Allea” collected all the world – people even gave melted gold and silver jewelry! Everything to please his idol: the Yakut fans were afraid the actor will again be awarded during the award ceremony “Oscar” and prepared a consolation prize.

However, to make the statue was easier than to deliver it to its destination: the organizers of the award could not figure out how to convey “Allea”, asked the oligarch Vladislav Doronin to meet the actor, but nothing came out. And finally, people’s “Oscar” was presented to the Hollywood star:

Leonardo DiCaprio took the statue, but why is silent, is not yet known. They say that he has no time, will respond this week, wait, wait,

says the awards organiser Tatiana Egorova, who notes that the national award is given “for contributions to the development of humanity”.

Perhaps Leo was just in shock and doesn’t know how to thank their loyal fans. However, maybe the actor while and didn’t see my statue, because now he is very busy, having fun at parties…

Леонардо ДиКаприо получил якутский "Оскар", но пока не отреагировал
Leonardo DiCaprio

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