Леонардо Ди Каприо возобновил отношения с моделью Рокси Хорнер

It seemed that the rumors about the affair of Leonardo DiCaprio with Rihanna and a Victoria’s Secret model will not continue, but recently, reporters learned that recently the actor has returned to his ex-girlfriend.

Леонардо Ди Каприо возобновил отношения с моделью Рокси Хорнер

In recent time, the media attributed Leonardo DiCaprio (Leonardo DiCaprio) several high-profile novels, including singer Rihanna (Rihanna) and 19-year-old Victoria’s Secret model Chelsea Weimar (Weimar Chelsey). But the journalists of the newspaper People found out that Leo recently resumed relations with his ex-girlfriend, 24-year-old model Roxy Horner (Horner Roxy).

“It was like a double date. Leonardo was invited to the restaurant Serendipity’s best friend Lukas Haas, another girl and Roxy. The entire company wore baseball caps to disguise it. Roxy spent the whole evening next to Leo,” an insider told American portal Page Six.

Recall that the rumors about the relationship of DiCaprio and Horner appeared at the end of February, when the paparazzi managed to catch a couple in London. However, Roxy then assured reporters that between them just friendship.

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