The actor is accused of washing large amounts of money. In August this year, the star of “Survivor” was suspected of collaboration with an illegal organization groups that were involved in the embezzlement of international funds.
Leonardo DiCaprio embodied the images of their heroes in life. This time he must answer before the law. The world community plans to deprive him of the post of UN Ambassador. The reason for this was the activity of the Hollywood stars within the framework of the Fund. On 14 October in the British capital held a press conference, during which the head of the Swiss Foundation named Bruno Manser Lucas, Strawman made an unexpected statement. He gave DiCaprio a cruel ultimatum. A fighter for nature, ordered the actor to leave his post. Head questions about the environment stressed that all the activities of the celebrity was a complete fraud and manipulate, leading to unpredictable consequences.
Leonardo DiCaprio was summoned to court on defamation case
“If Leonardo DiCaprio was not going to plead guilty, we ask him to leave the post of UN Ambassador for climate change, because he lacks the confidence for such an important role. We will not be able to restore the environment, if we fail to stop corruption. Public criticism of DiCaprio deforestation in Indonesia is nothing more than cynical hypocrisy. Leonardo was supposed to be part of the solution, but today it is part of the problem,” according to British newspaper the Daly Maily.
The words of Strawman caused a public outcry, because many fans of the stars even did not suspect, than the cover, talking about climate issues. This casts doubt on future professional career DiCaprio. After all, so he would probably be imprisoned, in case his guilt is really proven.
It should be noted that the meeting in London was planned with the direct participation of the “accused”, but he refused to attend the meeting. Lucas, Strauman took advantage of the situation and at the same time demanded the return of all the money that was allocated not only to Fund a celebrity, but the film “the Wolf of wall street”. The actor has not arrived and therefore has not made clear what happened. Many this suggests that the way Leonardo DiCaprio tries to hide his involvement in the offense.
The scandal erupted two months ago, when the first suspicion of a possible theft of an actor more than three billion dollars. Was already voiced the idea that an actor can be associated with people who laundered money from the Malaysian state Fund. Soon, however, the public fell silent and gave the impression that the issue remained unresolved. Probably, the representatives of the organization for the protection of the environment had hoped to get from DiCaprio’s any comment about it. But this did not happen.
It is important to mention that the profile of a celebrity is one of the most attractive for users of the Network. Leonardo shares with followers pictures of wildlife and animals. Followers often complain about the lack of images from his personal archive. But the actor had a purpose to promote peace and the preservation of its original appearance. Now, all attempts by the star of “Wolf of wall Street” to show their commitment to the public mission seem to be in vain.