Лена Ленина поможет Степанову выйти из психиатрической клиники
Socialite Lena Lenina is friends with actor Vasiliy Stepanov.

Лена Ленина поможет Степанову выйти из психиатрической клиники

Recently it became known that Basil fell out of the window of his apartment.

Lenin decided to visit the actor and to ask about his condition, but did not find the man.

Brother of the artist is told that Basil was hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic after the incident.

“Tonight Vasily was taken to a mental institution and keep him there by force. The doctor has learned from the press that he and the actor allegedly tried to commit suicide, so called a psychiatric ambulance. Bob does not sign any permits for treatment, especially on experimental, which is so afraid of his family. His mother, father and brother strongly opposed to it kept in the clinic and want it back,” – said the businesswoman.

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